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Wellbeing workshops - for happier, healthier employees

Inspire your team towards healthier habits. Book onto our expert-led wellness workshops.

Yoga leg stretch

Book a wellbeing workshop for your team

Ready to improve productivity and motivate your staff? Book onto a wellbeing workshop with one of our health and wellbeing ambassadors.

Here's how it works:

  • Choose your workshop
    Browse through the options below.
  • Get in touch with the team
    Let us know how many people you want to book for. We'll quote you a price.
  • Arrange a day that suits you
    Be sure to book at least 6 weeks in advance.

Our workshop prices range from £250 to £950 + VAT.

Meditation eyes closed

Mental wellbeing

Clue your team up on why mental health is crucial to achieving a good work-life balance.

Our mental health workshops can help to:

  • Give your business a better understanding of the everyday stresses affecting your people. And learn how to reduce them.
  • Teach your staff techniques for improving mental health – and help them learn how to identify stress factors.
Strawberries and cream


Give your employees the power to make good dietary choices. Our nutrition workshops help to:

  • Give your business insights into how nutrition affects your team's productivity.
  • Help your team to develop healthier eating habits - and get tips on sleeping better too.
Man doing sit-ups

Physical activity

Want to know how to improve your posture? Interested in how exercise can help alleviate aches and pains? Our fitness activity workshops help to:

  • Give your business an understanding of the importance of physical activity - why your employees need it and how it can improve their productivity.
  • Give your employees the tools and motivation they need to build healthy exercise routines.

Ready to book?

Email [email protected] to discuss options and prices