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Customise your cover

Need more cover? Boost your plan with our optional extras

  • Choose where you're treated - a hospital that suits you
  • Upgrade your mental health and out-patient cover
  • Add more to your plan like optical, dental and hearing cover


Take control of your health insurance

Want cover that's tailored to your needs and budget?

You get comprehensive cover with our health insurance from £44 a month [1]. It includes access to private healthcare, online GP appointments and more.

You can also tailor your plan so it works for you. Choose your hospital list, set your excess and add-on even more cover.

Let's see how you can customise your cover.

Personalise your plan in 3 simple steps

Set the level of cover that's right for you

Private hospital

Choose where you're treated

You can select which hospitals you'd like to be treated at


Boost your cover

Add extra cover to your plan if you need it. Like optical, dental and hearing cover and mental health cover


Set your excess

Choose how much you want to pay per claim each plan year

Choose where you want to be treated

Want your choice of hospitals? You can pick which hospital list to add to your plan


Visit any hospital in the UK's largest hospital groups. Including Circle Healthcare, Nuffield Health, Spire Healthcare and Ramsay Health Care

London Care

Visit any private hospital in the UK that meets our quality requirements

Boost your core cover

Enhance your existing cover benefits if you need that little bit more. You can add on:

Enhanced mental health cover

  • Full cover for Talking Therapies - Online or face-to-face counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • Out-patient cover - Up to £1,500 towards out-patient treatment, outside our Talking Therapies network
  • In-patient and day-patient - 28 days of in-patient treatment and 28-days of day-patient treatment.

You are covered for multiple episodes of care during the year, should you need it. After 56 days without in-patient or day-patient treatment, we'll fully restore your benefit limits covering you for further episodes of care during your plan year.

Out-patient cover

  • Get unlimited physiotherapy sessions within our Priority Physio Network
  • Can cover out-patient consultations, consultant appointments, diagnostic tests - such as pathology, ultrasounds, and X-rays - and physiotherapy sessions outside our Priority Physio Network*
  • Choose to cover these costs in full. Or you can select a limit of £500, £750, £1,000, £1,250 or £1,500.
  • If you select a cover limit, you can still add full cover for diagnostics - so your scans, blood tests and more are covered in full [2]
  • No matter your cover limit, you'll still be covered in full for MRI, CT and PET scans

*We will cover a maximum of £35 per sessions, which will be deducted from any cover limit selected.

Upgrade your plan with add-ons

Like cover for dental treatment, alternate therapies or medical travel insurance

Therapies cover

Access alternative treatments like acupuncture, homeopathy, osteopathy and chiropractic care. 

Set an excess that works for you

When you apply for health insurance, you can choose to pay a fixed sum (an excess) towards your treatment.

The higher your excess, the lower your premium. It's as simple as that. You choose:

  • What amount your excess will be
    You can set your excess at zero, £100, £250, £500 or £1,000
  • How often you want to pay your excess
    You can pay once per plan year or each time you make a claim

Learn more about how you can control your costs.

man on laptop

Want some help building your plan?

Our expert team can help you to get the right cover, at a price that works for you.

They'll walk you through everything you need to know and make qualified recommendations based on your exact needs.

Call us on 0330 678 3326*

Where to next?

[1] Price is based on the following criteria: a 35-year-old, based in Peterborough. Plan start date 01.02.2024. Full medical underwriting, Consultant Select hospital option. £250 excess and £500 Out-patient benefit and includes Insurance Premium Tax (IPT).
[2] Only your consultations, consultant appointments and physiotherapy that isn't arranged through our Priority Physio Network would be covered up to the Out-patient Cover limit you've chosen.