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Life insurance and medical records explained

Sometimes insurance companies will ask for permission to obtain details of your medical history from your doctor/s when you apply for life insurance. If they do, here's what to expect.

Giving your insurer access to your medical history might feel like an invasion of privacy. After all, your health is very personal. It’s understandable why you might not want to grant someone access to your medical records.


In this guide, we’ll explain why insurers might ask for further details of your medical history when you apply for cover. We'll explain what kind of information is asked for and how they can affect your application. Knowing the facts about life insurance and where details of your medical history might be required can help put your mind at ease.

What can I expect?

When you take out a life insurance plan, you’ll probably be asked some questions about your health, lifestyle and medical history.

Depending on your answers some insurers might want to see some further information regarding your medical history. Insurers might ask for details of your medical history from your GP or other treating doctors to check things like:

  • if you're a heavy smoker
  • if you're a heavy drinker
  • if you have any health conditions
  • your age

Find out more: How premiums are calculated

Why do life insurance companies request medical information?

Life Insurance pays a lump sum of money to your loved ones when you die.

Life insurance providers could request to see further details of your medical history by requesting either a medical report or your medical records. They want to assess the risk involved in offering you a plan. They'll also want to know if you have had or recovered from any serious illnesses.

By obtaining details of your medical history, a provider will then decide how likely you are to make an insurance claim in the future which may impact your life premiums. This is known as the underwriting process.

For example, if your medical history shows that you are a heavy smoker, the insurer might raise your premium. Why? Because they believe the risk of paying out is higher for a smoker than it is for a non-smoker, so they charge you more.

Find out more: Life insurance for smokers explained

Can life insurance companies access my medical history?

Life insurance companies can access your medical history, but only with your permission. This is a quick look at how it works:

  1. When you apply for life insurance, the insurance company will ask for your permission to access your medical history.
  2. Once they have your permission, they will contact your GP for details of your medical history usually in the form of a medical report.
  3. In response to the insurer’s request, your GP will provide details of your medical history which is relevant to your application. Your GP will usually send this information to the insurer in the form of a statement or a report. The breadth of information requested from your GP will depend on the medical or lifestyle information you have disclosed on your application. You will have 21 days to review the GP’s response with your GP before they send it to your insurer.

If you have asked to see the medical report prepared by your doctor before it is provided to the insurer, and don’t agree with the contents of the report because it is inaccurate or misleading in relation to your medical history:

  1. Raise your concerns direct with your doctor;
  2. After your discussion, they may decide to amend the report, but do not have to;
  3. Then, you have the right to submit a cover letter with your medical report. This can explain which aspects you contest and why.

You can also stop the report being sent altogether, but this may result in your life insurance application being denied.

Can life insurance companies access my medical history without my consent?

No, insurance companies can’t access your medical history without your consent. The only organisations that can access medical history without your consent are:

  • the police
  • social services
  • the DVLA

They would still need a good reason to see your medical history.

If you don’t want your insurer to view any part of your medical history, then you can deny their request. But, be aware, this could result in your life insurance application being rejected.

Can my medical history affect my application?

Yes. An insurer considers your medical history and may consider some health conditions a risk. This may push up your premiums.  It may also result in no terms of cover being offered at all.

For example, your medical history might show you had cancer one year ago. They could use this information to raise your premiums as it may relate to your life expectancy.

Find out more: Life insurance and cancer explained

Do life insurance companies always look into my medical history further?

No, often they won’t ask for any further information about your medical history beyond the questions asked when you apply for cover.

When you apply for life insurance, they’ll ask you a series of questions about your health and life in general so they can build a picture of your general health and lifestyle. Then the insurer can assess the level of risk you pose. Your insurer will assess the questions you have answered on your application form before requesting further information regarding your medical history.

If they regard you as low risk, they will probably not ask you for any further medical information when you apply for a life insurance. This is fairly common. Answers you provide on your application will guide the insurer in assessing the risk you pose and calculating your premiums. It is therefore vital that you are honest on your application.

If you withhold information on your application, then you risk having any claims under the plan being declined and the plan being vopided. This means the insurer can refuse to pay out in the event of your death.

Requesting a GP Report

If the insurer needs more information, they might request a report from you GP regarding some of the following information.

  • Details of any pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes, cancer or Crohn’s disease
  • Height and weight measurements
  • Blood pressure and cholesterol readings 
  • Any medication or treatment you're currently taking or have previously been prescribed 
  • Test and scan results 
  • Hospital admission and discharge summaries 
  • General lifestyle information such as your smoker status or alcohol intake
  • Consultation details

They might not necessarily request all the above, but these are some examples. They might also request information not listed above. There may also be some occasions where the insurer requests medical records instead of a medical report from your GP. Any request for medical records will always be targeted to certain conditions or answers you provided on your application.

Learn more: Life insurance for diabetics explained

Requesting a Medical Examination

In some cases, after answering the application questions and/or after receiving information regarding your medical history from your GP or doctor, the insurer may ask you to undergo a medical examination to determine the level of risk you pose.

A life insurance medical exam is a two-part health check that some people need to do before their coverage begins. It’s more common for older people or those who’ve got pre-existing medical conditions.

There’s a questionnaire section that might be done over the phone or online. For the physical part, a nurse will visit to:

  • do some tests
  • they might measure your height
  • check your weight
  • measure your waist.
  • they could also do a blood test or take a urine sample.

If you’re asked to complete a medical exam, it’s a quick process. It can also be done in the privacy of your own home. It can speed up your application too (depending on the insurer).

You may come across ‘guaranteed life insurance’ if:

These plans will not ask for your medical records even if you’re deemed high-risk. These are likely to be more expensive as the insurer knows they’re much more likely to pay out.

When else would an insurer request your medical history documents?

In some instances, insurers will ask for information regarding your medical history at the time the claim is made. This might occur where the insurer wants to check that all required information was disclosed at the point of application, or where we may need to understand the circumstances of the claim further. A failure by you to answer all of the application questions correctly when you apply for your plan may result in your claim being declined.

Insurers will only request information regarding your medical history if it is reasonably necessary to proceed with the assessment of the claim and to ensure that the correct decision is made. Consent is needed before medical information can be requested at the point of claim. However, the withholding of consent mean that the insurer is unable to assess the claim.

There may also be other scenarios where an insurer requests other medical information from you.

How far back do life insurance companies look at medical history?

Your medical history can go as far back as twenty years. But when applying for cover, most life insurance medical requests will focus on the last five to ten. This is because the insurer is most interested in recent illnesses and treatments.

They’ll also want reassurance that you have been clear of any illnesses for a couple of years. However, there may be some cases where more historical medical information is needed when you apply for cover.

If information is requested at the point of a claim being made, most of the time insurers will not want to look at your medical history beyond the time period the application questions related to. For example, if you were asked if you had suffered from a cardiovascular illness in the last 5 years, the insurer might want medical information for the 5 year period prior to your application being submitted.

However, in some cases, insurers will want more detailed information, for example, if it discovers at the point of claim that you have a long-term illness or injury pre-dating the application which was never disclosed. 

Vitality life insurance

We provide life insurance for every stage of your life. Here are some of the benefits of taking out life insurance with Vitality:

  • A brand you can trust - In 2023, we paid out 99.7% of life insurance claims.*
  • Get a lower monthly premium upfront when you add Optimiser to your plan. Keep your premiums low when you stay active.
  • Access to Vitality partner discounts and rewards.
  • Get free no-obligation advice. Our advisers offer expert advice to help you make the right decisions.
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Last updated: 8 November 2024

*Vitality Claims and Benefits Report, 2024

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