How to make habits stick with Dr Rupy Aujla
The start of a new year is the perfect time to set fresh goals, but how often do we see them through? Dr Rupy Aujla, founder of The Doctor’s Kitchen, shares his tips to give us the best chance of success in 2025 in our latest video

While many of us kick-off January with ambitious plans to transform our health, fitness, or routines, these lofty goals can sometimes set us up to fail.
Studies show that nearly 9 in 10 people give up their resolutions by the second Friday of January, also known as Quitter’s Day.
“A lot of people – because of the indulgence of the festive season – commit to doing a load of things.
“They’ve got this huge list that they can maintain for a week, or two weeks, but then life gets in the way and unfortunately the psychology of dropping one thing leads you to drop everything,” says Dr Rupy Aujla, founder of The Doctor’s Kitchen.
Given this, it seems that we may need to rethink our approach to making 2025 the year we actually achieve our goals.
The Power of 1%
In this short video, Rupy shares his expert advice on how to make your New Year’s resolutions stick and why starting small could be the key to success.
One of the key takeaways from Rupy’s approach is the idea of incremental progress.
“Go slow and think about 1% gains”
Dr Rupy Aujla, medical doctor and nutritionist
For example, if your goal is to lose weight avoid dramatically changing your diet or exercise. Instead, try adding an extra serving of vegetables to your meal or going for a 10-minute walk.
Ultimately, Aujla’s suggestion is to focus on the “easiest, most actionable” change you can make rather aiming too high and trying to do it all at once, because this leads to “consistency” over time which can have a far greater impact.
Find out more in the video below:
At Vitality, we encourage our members to make small positive lifestyle choices that make a big impact. That’s why we offer partner benefits and rewards through the Vitality Programme.
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