5 ways to make your walk more mindful
TikTok trend ‘silent walking’ is the latest twist on the humble walk and its resurgence is being led by the younger generation, writes Olivia Matsell. Here are five ways to get you started

According to research, more and more of the TikTok generation are moving away from gym mats and stepping out into nature. But what is this new trend, you ask?
“’Silent walking’ is a form of walking meditation where the destination is not measured in miles or speed but in moments of presence and connection,” says Silvia Cordoba, Vitality’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Coach.
Rather than plugging in a podcast or bringing along a friend for a catch up, this silent walking trend is about getting active while being in the moment.
Instead of opting for a sweaty workout, around half of Gen Zs from the UK are prioritising taking care of their mental health this year with a slower-paced approach.
But just because the younger generation are leading its revival, it’s not just for them. It’s a great option for pretty much everyone, because it’s low impact and all you need is an opportunity to get outside.
More about tuning into our surroundings and setting intentions than pounding pavements, this daily practice works just as well in a busy city as it does in the countryside, offering the perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
It’s not just a good way to detox digitally. Walking offers a range of physical benefits, such as improving cardiovascular health, alleviating anxiety and reducing stress. It’s also something that people of all ages, from all walks of life, can enjoy.
Vitality member and mother of two, Gemma, is an avid walker and reaps the benefits of it because it’s now become second nature to her. “I started walking because I needed to find something that I could do to keep me active that also fitted around my two children,” she tells Vitality Magazine.
“Over time, it’s become a natural habit. And it’s not just kept me active. It’s become a great way for us to explore, become more adventurous and more curious about the world around us.”
Read more about Gemma’s story here.
With the practice of silent walking continuing to grow in popularity, here are five simple steps you can take to make your walk more mindful. So, why not lace up your walking boots and give it a go yourself?
Spend time in nature
Research from the Mental Health Foundation shows 7 in 10 Brits connecting with nature are typically happier, and around half are less anxious and worried. So, whether it’s visiting a nature reserve or a walk in the park, finding those moments to spend outdoors can really make a positive difference to our mental health.
Disconnect and unplug
With the world at our fingertips setting boundaries around screen time supports our mental health. Using screens for a longer amount of time can disrupt our sleep and is associated with higher rates of mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. Switching off throughout the day, and especially at night, is important to maintain healthy habits and allow you to be present in your environment.
Whether it’s walking, running or getting up to make a cup of tea, become aware of the bodily sensation of moving. Mindful movement allows us to check in with our bodies and remove any stagnant energy that’s lurking around. Improving our mind-body connection reduces stress and can shift our emotions from the outside-in.
Shift your awareness
Pay attention to your surroundings by taking in the sights, sounds and sense of smells around you. By shifting our awareness, it helps us to be more aware of our thoughts and feelings so that, instead of being overwhelmed by them, we’re better able to manage them.
Do a silent walking meditation
Taking five minutes to walk quietly and follow your breath can help you feel more conscious and connected throughout the day. Vitality partner, Headspace, provide a library of meditations you can enjoy while silent walking, sitting or winding down for sleep.
Related: 8 ways to supercharge your walk

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