Tracey Neville reveals how she intends to keep her 2024 resolutions
Vitality Ambassador Tracey Neville is predicting a thrilling year ahead, but to achieve her goals, like any good coach, she has a plan in place

“Excitement” is the word Vitality Ambassador Tracey Neville is choosing to describe the impending year ahead.
Namely at the chance to win a grand final as Head Coach with the Melbourne Mavericks, a new team to the National Netball league.
But she’s also looking forward to spending more time with her family.
In this quick-fire interview, we find out what her intentions are for the year ahead and how she plans to stick to her resolutions.
What new habits are you trying in 2024?
I’d like to start adding the ‘30-minute a day’ philosophy into my life. This dedicated time doesn’t have to be hard, it’s more about having ‘me time’ and improving how I manage my personal and work life.
Whether that’s a light walk or going to the gym that time is crucial for me and my mental wellbeing.
It gives me that extra boost of energy I need to get the most out of the day.
Are there any others?
Another one is something I do for my son all the time – meal prepping. I think the ‘grab’ lifestyle needs to go and the prep stuff needs to start.
I plan my son's meals out for the week and know exactly what he eats, so why wouldn’t I do something similar for myself. Not only to maintain a healthy diet but to make the most out of the food we buy.
I feel that meal prep doesn’t need to be what you necessarily envisage. People might think that if you prep you must cook in bulk.
You just need to be a little more organised, maybe make extra meals and freeze food.
Will you keep it?
We all have our good and bad days. No doubt I sure will. But having a contingency plan in place if it doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen will help a lot.
Watch the video below and enjoy a conversation with Tracey Neville, Gabby Logan, Simi Pam and Ellie Simmonds, where they discuss how to stay motivated, women's health and more.
How will you stay motivated?
I find sticking to resolutions and the end goal isn’t always achievable.
So, it’s about having short-term, daily goals where I’ve had enough time to work towards them and for my own time out. Most importantly, it’s about having fun with it.
What lesson are you taking from 2023 into the new year?
A positive lesson I’ve learnt in 2023 is to have fun. I do self-reflect a lot more now and have realised that my personality is one of my huge strengths, not only at work but in my personal environment too.
So, I do try to bring that energy to every occasion, but if I’m not able to I surround myself with people that can bring out the best in me and that’s really important that I need to take into 2024.
What are you most looking forward to in 2024?
There’s a lot to look forward to this year, both personally and professionally, and I’m excited to see where everything lands.
Are you looking to make a netball comeback or try a new sport altogether? Back to Netball is a grassroots programme developed by England Netball to encourage former netball enthusiasts and newcomers back into the sport.
Whether you haven’t played for a long time, or not played at all, these sessions are for everyone and anyone.
Visit the England Netball website and type in your postcode to find a court near you.
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